PinnedHow to build a (simple) blog using RustA gentle guide on how to write a simple blog using RustAug 30, 20221Aug 30, 20221
PinnedA practical approach to structuring Go applicationsGo is an amazing language. It’s simple, easy to reason about and gives you much tooling right out of the box. However, coming from a…Jan 31, 20218Jan 31, 20218
Top level internal is unnecessaryI recently got into a discussion on twitter; I suggested that root level internal directories doesn't make much sense when you're creating…Mar 31, 2024Mar 31, 2024
mortenvistisen: Pulumi vs TerrafromI’ve started a new contract, where I’m tasked with consolidating the company’s infrastructure under aws. They (the company) are starting to…Feb 9, 2024Feb 9, 2024
mortenvistisen: One Month One Dollar — Part TwoIt’s currently 14:30, February the 28th, 2023, while I’m writing this update to the challenge. I’m going to make it short. We didn’t make…Feb 8, 2024Feb 8, 2024
Wantrepreneurship & getting out of tutorial hellNew year, new me bullshit is on everybody’s mind right now as we’re kicking off the first week of the new year. This is not going to be one…Jan 3, 2023Jan 3, 2023
Integration tests, Docker and how it all Go(es) togetherA guide to setting up, writing and executing integration tests in Go in a containerized environment.Jan 24, 20221Jan 24, 20221